Happy Holidays!
Join Punk Reactor Discord Server!
In Sweden we celebrate Jul/Yule (Christmas) the 24th December. Which is today. Allow me to wish you all Happy Holidays!
Join Punk Reactor Discord Server!
In Sweden we celebrate Jul/Yule (Christmas) the 24th December. Which is today. Allow me to wish you all Happy Holidays!
The Mechnoids are heavily corrupted by the machine change and in some cases are more machine than Mechno punk all together but not quite a Slab bot yet .
The majority of bits is from games workshop. The body are from a kruleboyz kit. The legs are from a necron warrior. The head i believe is from a Knight kit but I could be mistaken.
The order of Slab is a delusional bunch. They believe they are direct descendants to the mysterious crew. Therefore, they are a little nobler than everyone else…but just as dumb.
However, they have nice mustache…gentlemen and ladies alike.
The majority of bits is from games workshop. The body and legs are from Horus Heresy. Arms from necromunda. Slabs and other bits are mostly from Ork kits. The head however, is a napoleonic head from an officer. I believe it comes from Perry miniatures but I am not sure.
The necro mechnos , are filthy and crude. Flesh and machine fused in a corrosive marriage. They die if they run out of batteries but not if shoot through the head. Best known for their smell of rot.
The majority of bits is from games workshop. The head is from an old collection of skull box that GW once had (maybe still have). Legs and claw arm is from Necrons and the main body is a adeptus mechanicus tank crew.
The cult of the machine. Tinkerers and crafters. Probably the most educated of all the punks on the ship…by a very thin margin mind you.
The main body is a part from a Games workshop or forge world kit. The legs and one of the arms are from games workshops genestealer cult. The bags and cases on the back are from different space marine kits, also from games workshop.
The Gathering of Pilgrims. Is a collection of fanatics. Convinced that the reactor is some form of God . They roam the ship for signs and for the path to the holy reactor itself. Some do manage to find it, but do not live long enough in its radiation to tell the tale.
The main body and most of the limbs are from game workshops adeptus mechanicus. The head is an old plastic filter for a spray gun. The rest of its bits is a collection of different bits mostly from games workshop kits.
I am working on a small document where I am intending to showcase some conversion ideas. A getting started asset of how I view each faction. As I am working on the content I will upload it here as well, for inspiration and development progression.
I am starting with the crap scrapers. Crap Scrapers are possessed by stuff, trinkets and gadgets. Anything metal can be slabbed together to form some kind of weird Gizmo. They love carrying the stuff around and can be confused with junk piles if seated.
The main body, limbs and gun is from games workshops genestealer cult. The head is from Turnip28. The scrap on its back is a bunch of bits from allover the place. All wrapped up in a piece of string.
Do you want to try Punk Reactor, but you don’t have the proper gaming assets available yet? The foldable gameboard has you covered!
Download it for free here:
Time flies. I haven’t updated this blog in a long while. Life has been busy, and I have been more focused on being creative than sharing it.
But stuff has been going on in the background. Time to reveal a little project I have been working on since summer.
“Punk Reactor is the low model count, Skirmish game about looting and fighting within a huge ancient spaceship, aimlessly drifting through space. Things are a little weird and a little loony. Go at it yourself or bring a friend!”
Download it here for free. Hope you will enjoy it!
Time for a quick update on the blog. Kuggköping have gone through a few updates over the past month in preparation for an upcoming expansion I am working on. Latest version is 9d. Hope you enjoy it!
Here is the first update for Oil Drenched. The game has been tweaked a little and I have also improved the campaign part of the game. Orders have been changed a little but principally it is the same.
Check it out and let me know what you think of it 😊.
The time is here! The age of Oil Drenched is upon us! It is finally time to pull off the covers on what I have been working on for the past 6 months.
Oil Drenched is a miniature skirmish game for converted and oily, 28mm scaled, miniatures, for 1-2 players. The player picks a kingdom, creates a warband and engage in different confrontations. In the confrontations the player will be faced with the hulking Husk Trolls. These are huge altered and dangerous remains of the old world of Sweden. The player will stand victorious in this strange age…or fail miserably and suffer a horrible oily death.
I Hope you will enjoy this new and weird game. If you want to leave any feedback it would be much appreciated. You can leave feedback directly on my discord server, Thank you!:
Have a nice weekend everyone!
You find the beta version here:
For the last couple of weeks I have been working on a new project that I call Oil Drenched. I feel it to be to early to go into details about I thought I could show some artwork for it. Hope you enjoy it!
Here is the finished start box for Hoffman. I have already had 2 games with this crew, and I like it. Also have more robots painted up for him that I will show in a future post.
I have been working on a lot of different things and projects over past months. I just never found a good way to photograph them. I think I have solved it now with a new setup.
I will try to use this for some of the finished stuff to see if this will be something I will continue to use.
First out is some wonderful 2nd edition Iron warriors!
It seems I am a little of a hobby butterfly at the moment and jumping between different projects. Time for some Malifaux :D . Trying to finish some stuff before the new year.
Baby steps on the baby iron warriors :) .
Time to release the might of Farming once more 😊.
In this new alpha version, I have focused on tighten things up.
I don’t want to use the term simplify; it is thrown around a lot, but compared to the last version of the game I guess it is simplified in some ways.
All rules and phases have been worked through; I would say that the concept of the game is still the same, but it is a more solid experience…according to me 😊. Some of the bigger highlights is:
The game has a clearer victory condition and purpose.
The game follows a more logical path when playing so that the player don’t need to flip back and forth as much between rules and pages.
The game has been made more linear.
The game now tries to explain its rules with clearer but less words.
The game has been given a more solid narrative foundation.
You can download the game from my website for free and with no strings attached:
And as always feel free to leave feedback and thoughts to me. I am very open for constructive criticism no matter if it is good or bad. I got thick skin and an open mind 😊.
With all that out of the way I hope you will enjoy this new version and I hope you get a nice weekend!
Some more work done on the mini-marines.
Obviously I feel for the concept of owning a mini version of my Iron Warriors army.
I am not going to make something out of this world with the color scheme. But I will try to make an acceptable effort. Here is the beginning. Looking forward to see it all finished :D .