Punk Reactor. 12a
Just a quick update of the rules. I have added something I call the About rule when you play with inches. I have also added an option for players to increase the game size if desired. Have a nice weekend!
Just a quick update of the rules. I have added something I call the About rule when you play with inches. I have also added an option for players to increase the game size if desired. Have a nice weekend!
Hello fellow” Punks”! Punk reactor has a new version uploaded. The new version includes a lot of streamlining and removing unnecessary complexity. Some new art has been included as well. Check it out! :
Just a little piece of artwork for Punk Reactor, though I could share it :) .
I had a great couple of games of Trench Crusade last weekend. As always I am the worst at taking pictures.
I really liked the game. It was fun and relatively easy to get into. I love how the smaller units felt. It really felt like a war zone where soldiers desperately is taking potshots at each other. Very brutal and very bloody.
The bigger monsters felt a little less…good (for the lack of a better word). I can’t put my finger on exactly what it was. But still very fun.
I can definitely imagine that the game will run even better when introducing a campaign.
After the latest Legions game I felt I needed to optimize the weapon load out on my warhounds. So I added two arms of Swarmer Missiles to one of them :) .
Yes of course I will dip my toes in the Trench Crusade lemonade. The first warband have to be Trench Pilgrims.
I fund this video that talks about solo gaming. My games mostly have a big focus on solo game play and I think he is spot on. The way I always approach solo games is not as a quick 30min session. Rather something that you immerse yourself in for a longer period of time, like you would if you were to enjoy a good book. Comfort and atmosphere are key ingredients. I have linked the video down below. Enjoy, and be sure to leave him a like while you check the video out!
Two small bases of legion Imperialis terminators finished for the army. Mixing legion Imperialis terminators with epic terminators works great. Maybe not equally dynamic but on this scale it doesn’t matter as much.
Had a great weekend last weekend. Played some games of Legions Imperialis. Two games to be specific. One loss and one victory.
I really liked how the list played. Mixing up a titan legion and space marines could either be too hard or too soft. But at least in 2000p it felt very balanced.
Naturally there are plenty to improve when it comes to the list and how I play it, but the lack of transports felt like one of the more pressing issues to address.
Of course you can’t have an iron warriors force without having some conversions. I decided to make some rhinos out of old epic rhinos and land raiders. It worked quite nicely, relatively simple to put together. Added a 3D printed part at the back to fill it out a bit. Could probably have used some other parts but I have access to a 3D printer at work and it was simple enough to design.
Next weekend I will attend a small Legion Imperialis get together and play some games. My iron warriors will of course go to battle. Lead by a Titan battle group.
So, over the past days I have had a little bit of a struggle. I do like to story/setting for Punk Reactor but lately I have been feeling that it is a bit limiting. The intention for Punk Reactor is to get the core game fine tuned and then use it as a platform to create other stories/campaigns with.
So, this has led me to change the setting a bit. Instead of the game taking place on a spaceship it now takes place in a doomsday vault. Not a huge shift for the core game, but I think it will make a difference in the future.
The new story and a small update to panic points is part of the new version Punk Reactor 8c.
I had the great pleasure to field my Turnip force today. The great Swedish crabs (The Crabolines) took on the mighty carrot brigade…and lost. But it was a fantastic fun fight! Here are some highlights from the battle.
After spray painting the containers with black, brown, and red and after some quick passes of washes and weathering, the containers are ready for the game table.
The paint scheme for the terrain is made very simple so that it doesn’t take too much focus from the player miniatures (that should be the focus point). Monochrome paint schemes can give both a lot of visual interest without stealing the show.
Time for some terrain and game board. The game board that I made for Kuggköping works for Punk Reactor as well. I was lucky to find some styrofoam squares that I simply glued on a mdf board and painted.
For terrain I had these old cardboard boxes that I stuck stuff to in order to make them look like some kind of containers.
I hope everyone got a great start to 2025. Starting the year I took some time to finish the enemy models for Punk Reactor.
I might use these for Turnip28 and Swill as well…or any other indie game like Space Wierdos or Stargrave.
A new year is approaching. I wish you all a wonderful new year with a lot of great things ahead. I am looking forward to 2025. I love to see all the new and different indie games that are popping up. The creativity is very inspiring.
I hope you all can find the time to check out Punk Reactor 2025. If you do, don’t hesitate to tell me what you think of it. All constructive feedback is welcome.
Now let’s hope the world can calm down a little bit and become a more peaceful place so that we can focus on more gaming, each other and our blue space ship we call earth. Happy new year!
For the majority of the game only 5 enemy models will be used. They start as grunts but can evolve into bosses if claiming a Gizmo. You can of course make 5 grunt and 5 boss models and make multiple versions depicting different factions. However, in my opinion the focus should be on the player models. So I will go the route of making only 5 generic models that will work as all factions. If one becomes a boss I simply mark it out with a token.
The models I have made is converted outof Hobgrots and a variety of different bits and bobs from Games Workshop. The heads are from Turnip28.
The little Mechno-Punks are done. I like how they turned out.
I view the style of Punk Reactor as if a Punk Rocker hade a sci-fi baby with an Ork. Slabed together, rusty and with some funky colors. Very fun to do something different for a change :) .
Slow but steady progress. Just some small details left and some rust :) .
Hope everyone has a nice holiday or to the very least a good weekend.
For me the days after Christmas is the most enjoyable. When everything calms down a bit and you can do whatever you want. That mostly means hobby time for me.
I have started to paint the Mechno-Punks. Starting with a black primer spray. A red/brown zenith spray and topping it off with a dash of leadbelcher spray.