Warhammer 40k, 8th edition ork army
So first post and current hobby project. I started with Warhammer 40k back in -92 -93. Me and my friend found this awesome store that sold small toy soldiers. We got home with the 2th edition start box. He picked Ultramarines I took orks and the war had begun.
About 10 years after our first battle. We found us in very different life situations. Teenagers with minds set on other things than metal and plastic men. School, education, job, money and of course girls was the main topic in our new life. So my precious orks went in a box and moved to the basement. Time passes, life change and your priority change with it. Being in my 30s I one day started to think back on a childhood well spent. And then the questions arises. Why am I not still playing? What happened? Was it impossible to be a grown man, with a stable job and family to engage in a miniature wargames? Was it too late to go back to the grim dark and engage in futuristic battles of the 41st millennium? The conclusion was “Of course NOT”. And the lost commander (me) came back to the gaming table.
Oh boy had 40k changed over the years. The wargaming scene in general had change. I suddenly had hundreds of wargames, factions and armies to pick from. The wargaming business looked like it was booming and there was a great time to be returning to the gaming tables. “Look at the details” “that design is awesome” “great game mechanics” “that looks so cool” “I need to have that”. The first year back could just be summed up in one word “WOW”. I don’t think I have spent so much money so fast before that I did that year. The addiction had me. I swallowed the blue pill and was dragged down in to the abys….or up to heaven (that is more how it felt/feels). I have now been part of this hobby (again) for 3 years. Starting out with necrons. Moving to space marines. Jumped to 30k and horus heresy. Trying out many other games. Warmachine, infinity, malifaux, guild ball to name a few. And now circling back to the army, the faction and the game that started it all. Warhammer 40k and orks.
7th edition with all of its supplements, formations, allies and other shenanigans have taken its toll and I feel I am in a state where I no longer have as much fun with 40k as I used to. Feeling much more at home in 30k it will be here I make my major battels for the time being. But there is one thing that could lure me back to 40k. And that is my old green skins. The idea of fielding my old force, my old models and the essence of my old lists again is the one thing that might make me feel joy for 40K again. My plan is to re-build my old ork army as much as I can from what I have left after countless moves and abuse. Of course I need to compliment with other and newer models but the core will be my old rougtrader, 2th edition, 3th edition army that have seen thousands of battles and are now looking for the next fight.
I will be calling this my 8th edition army. It will probably not do much of an impact on the 7th edition scene and I will probably not be able to get it ready for battle before 8th hits even if 8th is years in to the future. Sure, nothing says that this army will be any better in future editions then what it is in 7th. But a man can dream. And if anything 8th will be the edition this army will adapt to. It gives me time to complete the re-doing of the “old ones”.
This is simply a hobby project of love and joy.
So without further ado this is where I am at so far.