Frostgrave. Part3. The living museum.
Once more Gargamel and Seamus found there way into the frozen city. There had been a lot of talk about a museum somewere in the city from explorers at the local pub. Of course our two treasure hunters geard up to loot the place.
The old museum housed big pots of gold and many treasure cheests. All placed in front of six big golden statues.
Gargamel and his warband made it into the museum first and got there greedy little fingers on the first three treasures. As soon as the first solider started to drag the first cheest away from one of the statues. The museum started to shake. A big noice ecoed in the old ruin and three statues started to move. With glowing eyes they gazed upon the thiefs and raised there hammers the stop the intruders.
To make the situation worse Seamus and his crew made it in to the museum as well and now it all had gone from a looting run to a fight for survivel.
Azrael stod in one of the doorways trying to help the crew members get out from the over runed ruin and in the end had to throw her self into combat only to be smashed aside by one of the statues. Gargamel did not fair any better and was knocked out together with half of his crew.
Seamus and his crew also took alot of damage and the man him self was also punched out, but only after he had taken out some of Gargamels crew members.
In the end Gargamel came back to life and found that his crew had made it out of the museum with five of the six treasures. Even Seamus made it back to his base and even if his treasure pile was not as big as his nemesis he had grown. The fights and his escape made him strong. And the one treasure he got was filled with riches.
Some members from both crews was badly hurt after the brutal fights in the museum but every one made it home alive.
Rumors has it that not far from the museum there is a place with some shiny pillars. Guess who are ready to follow up on that rumor. And i bet there will be someone else on its way as well.