Killteam 40k. Skitarii conversion. Militia 30k.
I am continuing my killteam project as well as my militia project.
Combining more or less three different 40k kits and a bunch of random spear parts.
Initially these models will be used for killteam. But I do plan on having these guys for 30k as well. Of course there numbers have to grow and considering how long they take to build I guess it will take a long time before they form any kind of proper army.
However I have so much fun building these guys, so I am mostly looking forward to make more.
Now I have a couple of days to work on these before Adeptus Titanicus arrives to my doorstep. This is also something I have been waiting for, for a long time. So much fun projects on the horizon. It seems too be a great ending on the summer and an awesome start to this fall.