Horus Heresy. Custodes. Part1.

For a while now my lovely spouse have expressed that she is a little 30k curious.

Knowing some of the lore but nothing of the game we decided to start a small 30k force so that she could get a taste of what the game is about.

After looking at armies and art she feel in love with the esthetic of the Custodies. She still have no idea of how the legion performs or what the rules is like, but knowing her I know this will be an army she will enjoy playing, if she enjoys the game it self.

To start things of I built a small force of around 700-900 points with the core units.

Our plan is to play a couple of test games with this force and then she get to pick how she wants to continue.

I am super excited for this. It would be wonderful to have my Emilie enjoying this hobby, to go to events together and to turn this fantastic hobby in to a family enterprise ;) .
