The Neverborn and The Nameless

“I know of witches who whistle at different pitches, calling things that don't have names.”

“And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider’s name was Death, and hell followed with him.”


So, there we go. Some daemons for my Word Bearers. I have some more deamons that I could paint up and I might just do that, but I have to say that I am losing a little steam.

To have taken the Word Bearers this far have been a lot of fun and very satisfying. But I have my eyes fixed on other things. We will see what I do next.

Overall I like these dark children of the warp. Two different units in two different colors. This was not my first intention to separate them this much. But my newest daemons kind of begged for something different. All and all I feel that it works. These daemons will mostly be used for summoning.

Anyway, I feel happy and I hope I can put the entire army on the table top soon :) .