Legio Tritonis vs Legio Infernus

A couple of days ago me and a friend played a game of Titanicus. One and a half year has passed since I last played with my big robots and it was finally time to get a game in.

we had a small skirmish with about 1200p on each side to get into the game again.

This time I made a proper list with a legion traits and all. And tried to play with some sort of a plan in mind.

My warlord and two reavers faced off against two reavers two warhounds and a warbringer.

We played with the open ear card deck and the primary mission was to hold the middle of the table. Secondary mission was to bring two pick two Titans secretly and bring them down to critical damage without destroying them.

My Titans was out numbered and in part out gunned. I had my warlord with double belicosa volcano cannons to make up for it.

I purchased up aggressively with one of my reavers with the hopes to bring the melta canon within range. Setting up one of the enemies reavers with my warlord and then finish it with my reaver. A nice thought but my reaver took heavy gunfire coming in from my opponents warhounds. One with double volcan mega bolters and one with a mega bolter and a plasma. This ate through the reavers voids with ease and left my reaver out inte the open. Next turn the reactor went super nova and the first titan kill was scored.

The enemy had easily taken control over the center objective, taken out one of my Titans and was now hunting my second reaver.

I started to focus on the second mission and this was relatively easy for me to achieve. But on turn three I realized I had no chance to take back the game. I only had one last gamble and that was to take one titan down and hope it would create a chain reaction among its own line and open up the center. With only two Titans my options was limited.

I did everything I could, but my warlords shoots went wide and my crazy gamble had failed. With no more cards to play I had lost the game.

Only one Titian kill had been achieved but most Titans was smoking wreckes with a heartbeat away from erupting.

A very fun game that ended 15-10 to infernus.

I learned a lot from that game and have a couple of ideas on how to make better use of my Titans and legion ability’s. I also learned that warhounds can be incredibly effective. So I started assembling my next Titans right away :) .

I have one more titanucus game coming up next week and I have signed up to an titanicus event in the end of august.

But now I will continue with my family vacation and enjoy some care free days in the south of Sweden :) . Ending it here :) .