Kuggköping, new game size.
So I started setting up Kuggköping for a game on a 2x2 table. But straight away it feels to small.
Even if I would restrict some of the ranges it still felt bad and I could not play through the first turn because of the bad feeling.
I still wants to bring down the size so that the game becomes more accessible. I played around with 2x3 and that felt much better.
Then I thought of the killteam board I got in one of the killteam boxes. It is 22.5”x29.5” . So a little smaller than 2x3 in size. But it felt like a nice compromise.
And I cant argue about the production quality of the game board it self. I think it looks good.
Now I have played 1 turn on this new size and so far everything runs smoothly. So I will try to finish the game session and see what my verdict is then.
Straightaway I did run into something interesting about why I think my game is fun and I will try to document it in a later post and explain it a little more in detail.