Kuggköping. Beta release!
It is finally time to release the Kuggköping! Beta version 1. I am so exited to share this.!
It has been a month of hard work to get the game from what I called alpha to this beta stage.
The game now has a proper layout, more artwork, some small game changes, and a lot of playtesting poured into it.
I hope you will be downloading the game and I also hope you will enjoy it. If you do check it out, please tell me what you think. I will accept and respect any respectful criticism.
This game is very much a one man show. I have developed everything from story and art to gameplay and mechanics. I am not a game designer or a writer or a professional artist. I am simply a guy that decided to make my own game one day. With all of that said. If nothing else, I want to inspire to creativity. If I can create something that I can enjoy and be excited for. Then so can you. I am nothing special and I don’t need to be anything special to be able to create something that I can enjoy. All you need is some time and some imagination.
I am sure the game has many flaws, but you know what, over time it will be less flaws and also, not everything needs to be perfect.
We have a saying in Sweden. If it is free, then it always tastes good. So, enjoy and hope you like it.