Necromunda. Van Saar. Quick color scheme. Contrast Paint. Part 5.

Time for the skin. I first paint the midtone with a mix of P3 Khardic Flesh and Army Painter matt white. About a 50/50 blend.


After that I add the highlights of the skin with the same colors but with a mix of 70% white and 30% flesh color.


Last I add shadows with just the Flesh color.


The end result is in my humble opinion a relatively okay color scheme for the skin. You can obviously do a lot more but for quick and simple it is quite effective.

Necromunda. Van Saar. Quick color scheme. Contrast Paint. Part 2.

I thought I could break down how I paint up these Van Saar models. It is a relatively quick and easy color scheme. It might not win any awards but I think it turns out quite ok.

first step is to spray everything in the new contrast spray paint. The grey one.

After that I cover the entire model with terradon turquoise. You get a ok coverage with these paints very quickly. If disregarding drying times, the whole step takes a couple of minutes.


Next step I mix P3 arcane blue and contrast terradon turquoise. I use this mix to paint in some surface highlights and to smooth out some of the bigger areas.

Dont mix to much at once, the paint drys very quick.


Word Bearers. Horus Heresy. Land Raider.

Parallel to the commission, I have painted up a word bearers land raider. I can’t really get my head around this force at all. Half of the time I just want to sell it all off. And other times I get super inspired to continue. I keep adding to them so slowly the force grows in size. I will try to put the force on the battle field soon so I can feel the power of the dark gods ;) .


Horus Heresy. Custodes. Part4.

That didn’t take too long…haha.

So, the ten custodies is done. I have never painted gold before and I can’t say that I made a killer job on these guys. But my wife is super happy. The models looks exactly as she envisioned them and that was the whole point.

We are expecting our second daughter any day now, so when will will have time to try her beginning army out is a little in the air.

But now they stand ready once the opportunity comes.


Horus Heresy. Custodes. Part1.

For a while now my lovely spouse have expressed that she is a little 30k curious.

Knowing some of the lore but nothing of the game we decided to start a small 30k force so that she could get a taste of what the game is about.

After looking at armies and art she feel in love with the esthetic of the Custodies. She still have no idea of how the legion performs or what the rules is like, but knowing her I know this will be an army she will enjoy playing, if she enjoys the game it self.

To start things of I built a small force of around 700-900 points with the core units.

Our plan is to play a couple of test games with this force and then she get to pick how she wants to continue.

I am super excited for this. It would be wonderful to have my Emilie enjoying this hobby, to go to events together and to turn this fantastic hobby in to a family enterprise ;) .
