Adeptus Titanicus Event. Pallidus Mor Walks.

Today we had our first Adeptus Titanicus event with the local gaming club. The focus of the day was to introduce and learn the game. I had a great time!

Adeptus Titanicus is a wonderful game. Very nice rules and lovely models. The first game was a large one with 6 people involved, each one with a Titan each. This worked great. The game feels surprisingly complete with just one Titan to control. It worked so good in fact that we decided to play the next game together once more but with some more Titans to control each.

The only down side to the game is the rule book layout. It is incredibly hard to find what you are looking for. And with basic rules + advances rules + additional rules, one part taking president over others it can become a mess of things. However, once the rules is understood. The game runs really smooth and with a lot of immersion. There is a lot of tactical depth even just with so few models on the table. But the game never feels bogged down or overwhelming. You kind of feel like a princept controlling something massive.

The game feels quite exciting at every step and only grows more intense the longer the game progress. I can tell you that loosing in this game is quite exciting as well. Exploding Reactors, detonating fellow Titans around it, is just as fun no matter if it is yours or your opponents war machine that’s erupts.

This might just be the greatest game Games Workshop have ever produced. All of course is my opinion, but if you have an opportunity, go check this game out. It really deserves a large audience. This will definitely be a game I will play more often.

Thank you to all who participated, hope we can do this again soon!


Adeptus Titanicus. Pallidus mor. Reaver. Part2.

The underlying paint job is more or less done. Next will be to block in the panels and add transfers.

I went about this a little different. Instead of painting all panels separately I glued everything on the model. This is mostly how I normally do it and the when the weapons is magnetized it is easy to reach otherwise difficult places.

Looking forward to continue the work :) .


Adeptus Titanicus. Pallidus mor. Reaver. Part1

When I was trying to figure out what 2020 would mean for my hobby, I scanned the mountain of un built models and spotted my Reaver for Adeptus Titanicus. A few minutes later I had setup a small AT event at my local club and formed an idea that I want AT to be part of 2020. Now the Reaver is built and is ready for paint.

I could not decide what weapons I wanted to build it with so I ended up adding magnets everywhere. It was actually relatively easy and now I can take any weapon combinations I want.


Necromunda. Van Saar conversion. Part1.

So, the idea was to make some quick conversations for some van saar juves. It is always a good idea to check the rules before you build stuff, unfortunately I am not that kind of a guy. So once the conversions was done I had a look at the book. I quickly realized that juves can’t take lasrifles. So what started as a quick and simple conversion became a much more extensive project. But at last I am finished. They look a little different from the rest of the gang but I think they will fit right in.


Necromunda. Van saar arachni-rig servo-suit. Part1.

Last weekend I played my first game of Necromunda. I have already signed up on the ongoing campaign but this was my first game day.

The gang got some XP and I earned some credits.

For all my earnings I bought an arachni-rig servo-suit. I used it in one game (with a proxy), can’t say it made an massive impression on me. But it brings a fun conversion possibility. Let’s hope it earns its place in the gang once it gets a real model :) .


Horus Heresy. Work bench. Iron warriors breacher squad. Mechanicum Magos, Mechanicum Inar Satarael.

So after the commission and the Necromunda team the floodgates where opened. Instead of doing one thing I ended up doing all of them.

These 3 projects is just a handful of stuff I have been working on, trying to pick a direction for my hobby work. I actually enjoy the chaos that is my hobby station at the moment and the non direction I am taking. But it does not make for any great blog posts.

But here is some kind of updates on what is going on at them moment.

I am going to repaint my iron warriors breacher squad. Paint up the Magos dominos I have had laying around for quite some time. And build/convert my own version of Archmagos Inar Satarael.

Lets see if I can stick to these 3 projects before I head off in another direction.


Necromunda. Van Saar. Quick color scheme. Contrast Paint. Part 8.

For the eye lenses and plasma glow I started to paint the area with P3 Khador Red Base.


I wash around the red areas with Reikland Fleshshade.


After that I Add Khador Red Highlight to get a brighter glow on both eyes and plasma.


To add a little OSL I mix Khador Red Base with Khorne Red and paint areas that would be hit by the glow.


Finally I mix white and Khador Red Highlight to add an even brighter glow at the core of the plasma


Necromunda. Van Saar. Quick color scheme. Contrast Paint. Part 7.

Time for the rest of the highlights. I start with all leather straps and bags. For this I use a mix of XV 88 and P3 Battlefield Brown.


The white hair is first painted with a mix of white and Grey. About a 50/50 mix. Then I add some streaks with the same colors but with more white. In this case it is about a mix of 80/20 white.


Last highlight step is the armor. For this I use P3 Arcane Blue.


Necromunda. Van Saar. Quick color scheme. Contrast Paint. Part 6.

Next is to add highlights on everything. Starting with the black areas. I add P3 Thronwood green as an initial highlight.


For some of the guns this method looks a little messy. In these areas I wash them with nuln oil. And then highlight the area with a darker grey.


The silver/metal is first highlighted with Lead Belcher.


And all brass is highlighted with Runelord Brass.
