Kuggköping Alpha 2.0. Solo / co-op skirmish game.

It occurs to me that I have not shared the good news! Kuggköping have a new version ready for download. Based on feedback and my own playtesting some bigger changes have been implemented.

For anyone interested, Alpha 2.0 is free to download. It’s a solo / co-op skirmish game set in the wondrous city of Kuggköping.

Try it out and please leave your thoughts on the game if you feel like it.    



Iron Warriors. Venomcrawler conversion. Part 1.

Next little project is the venomcrawler. I didn’t intended to convert ever model to my Iron Warriors but looking at the models I can’t help my self.

Firstly I don’t love the design of the chaos units. Generally they look ok. There is a lot of cool details and for the most part nice designs. But I feel that most of them don’t reflect the deep heritage from the Horus Heresy and the legions they once were. So this is what I try to add in most of these conversions. Also I want things to be more mechanical to reflect the nature of Iron Warriors. I don’t see the 4th legion to be worshippers or supporters of daemons. I see them more as a legion that use the warp, chaos and the gods as tools or as weapons. It’s means to an end and nothing more.

That’s what Iron Warriors is to me and that’s what I want them to look like :) .

The venomcrawler conversion is based on the Horus heresy mechanicum vorax model. It makes sense to me that these mechanical constructs would eventually evolve to what the venomcrawler is after thousands of years in the warp and at the hands of the 4th legion. A fun and easy conversion. Maybe a bit expensive, but totally worth it :) .


Iron Warriors. Lord Discordant. Happy new year! Part2.

The Lord has come and with him he usher in a new year, a new age of my Iron Warriors. If COVID is willing I will try 40K next year and leading the force forward will be my newly converted Lord discordant.

2020 have been a bad year for table top gaming. But I am very thankful that me and my family have made it so far without any incidents. So while the hobby side of things have been lacking the important things in life is ok.

It is hard to not think about all the families that have not been so lucky and I give a lot of thoughts to those that have gone through a really bad year. I hope that 2021 will be the very best year for everyone and that our life can soon go back to normal. Happy new year and stay safe!
