Turnip28. Fodder. Part8.
First layer oil wash is applied 🤩 .
First layer oil wash is applied 🤩 .
This week I have been drawing a lot, among other things. As I am “completing” the layout of the beta version of Kuggköping I realize the rulebook needs some more artwork.
Now I am not a concept designer, but I like to draw so why not add some original piece from yours truly. Here is a couple os samples.
I have also been spending some time play testing the new additions to the game and tweaking some of the rules…having fun and enjoying myself by being creative, more or less.
Slowly getting there :) . Time to varnish and bring out the oils 🤩.
Continue on the wired leech things :) .
I got the most kind gift from my friend Jonas. He apparently had some leftover bits and models that would work great for Turnip28.
I just need to finish the models I already started so I can continue with these 😁. Thank you Jonas!
Jonas also have a great hobby, gaming and miniature blog. I can strongly urge you to check it out. He covers everything from historical miniatures to Horus Heresy and everything in between. And of course Turnip28 as well 😊.
Most of the layout of the game is done. But there is still a lot to do before all is ready for release.
I have changed some fundamental things within the game and I need to play test it before I can upload anything. And of course I am working on a lot of artwork that I also want to include.
I feel quite happy and excited for this. There have been a lot work so far to take Kuggköping from Alpha to Beta already, but to me it is paying off.
To see your own creation taking shape motivate you to work even harder.
Some colors have been added. I almost have a plan for how to continue 😅 . Let’s hope it all works out in the end 😁 .
Tomorrow will be base coat dag :D . All is ready for the air brush.
12 leech things is halfway there. Well the modeling at least.
I love how weirdly they turned out. Just going to add some more growth to them and add some stuff to the bases.
It is impossible to ignore what is happening in Europe today. It is a dark day. A day I thought we left far behind us in Europe. The pain and suffering that is and will continue to be inflicted on innocent people is abhorrent.
I promise that this blog will continue going forward, to cover hobby, models and gaming. Maybe I can give some rest bite from this darkness to some. Maybe I can offer a pocket of entertainment to give pause to this bleak reality as it stands today.
But I can’t let what is happening go unnoticed.
Tomorrow I will continue with my exploration in my fictional worlds. But today is only darkness.
Well this escalated quickly 😅 . 6 models on the way and 6 more to go to finish the unit.
I could not resist. I need to enter the world of Turnip28. This game have truly gripped me like no other game have in a very long while. And I don’t even know the rules yet 😅 . Here is the start of my first model for my first unit.
And done 🤩 . Well I like it, can’t wait to get these on the gaming table.
Recently I discovered the fantastic worlds of Turnip28 and SLUDGE .
Two war games in a wonderful and slightly disturbing setting. One more disturbing than the other I might add …. I am looking at you Turnip28.
Now I will do a poor job at describing these games and there styles. So I will instead link to them here. But if you like Grimdark fantasy worlds and Blanchitsu and wired root-stuff then you are just a google search away from two captivating worlds.
By Max FitzGerald
By Sean Sutter
Given all model kits I have laying around, I have to make an army for one or both systems.
Nothing more exciting, other than that I am slowly punching Kuggköping into a beta state 🤩 .
First up on the agenda is to do a proper layout of the rule book.
This will not be finished over the weekend, but Runs faster and smoother than what I expected 😃.
Final update before I finish them :) . Haven’t had so much time to paint this week. But everything counts.
Almost done. Just a little bit more and the bases 😊.
Continue with the Pulsa crew and Rokkit 😁.
In my eyes a cute conversion of the 2nd edition ork pulsa rokkit.
Now for anyone panicking about me glueing some antennas on the doom divers back, don’t worry. I only used a very thin layer of glue so it can be easily removed if needed :) .
We very quickly found ourselves at home with commander. There is plenty of guides out there. Some from wizards. Some from others. Me and my spouse took the basic layout and made some own twists to balance it the way we wanted it. We call it hillbilly commander.
This is how we play Magic commander. HillBilly style.
Deck, 100 cards. Any cards from any sets is ok. If a card is found to be to powerful we will rotate it out eventually.
20 life
Draw 7 cards, with one full re-draw, after that you draw 1 less card each re-draw.
1 Legendary creature as the commander
40 basic lands
10 Ramp spells (or similar)
10 Draw spells (or similar)
5 Board wipes (or similar)
5 target removal (or similar)
29 Whatever you want
No plains walkers.
No legendary cards other that the commander.
No special lands.
Only one copy of any card, except basic lands.
Despite not having more than 1 copy of any given card we feel that it is relatively easy to have a coherent deck. Both of us have a theme and game plan and the decks do preform the way they are intended.
What makes this so great is that even if we have played 4 games already, we still haven’t gone through all cards. These decks and builds will last us a long time without feeling boring.
If you are sitting on a bunch of old magic cards and have someone to play with, then why not try it out?
Commander is general played with 3-4 players and then 40 life’s instead of 20. Plus some other rules. So I can recommend you to go and check the more “excepted” rules for commander as well.
Have fun!