Magic The Gathering. Dual Commander.

When me and my spouse meet we spend many weekends playing Magic The Gathering. When our two kids came to join us and after we bought our house, there haven’t been much of any time to play Magic.

For one we didn’t have the energy to keep up and second we have so many cards that it becomes incredibly hard to keep track of it all.

This morning I found out about Magic commanders and dual commanders.

Instantly we became intrigued. So we have spent the majority of the afternoon, sorting out cards and organizing so that we can build our decks.

What did draw us in, was the open format. The fact we don’t have to keep track of what is current and that we can use most of the cards in our collection.

We will build 100 card decks.

Only 1 legendary creature as our commander.

No other legendary cards.

Only 1 of each card, except lands.

This is going to be really fun!

I was planning on finishing my Ork artillery this weekend 😅 , I guess they have to wait a little 😉.


I simply wanted to share one of my favorite YouTube channels to listen to while I paint. I love this kind of content, if you like it don’t forget to subscribe and support the channel.   

It covers a variety of weird topics and always have a unsettling undertone. It’s a mix of investigating journalism and the absurd.

Price Increase.

First off I want to share this video. I think he explains it well. Now just to be clear. I have not fact checked any of his statements. And I want to point out that the prince increases might not just be for current situations but also off setting future increases for production costs.

Here you can find the article from GW them selfs.

I will also link to a previous post I made that I think is very relevant to these news.

Finally I will end by this. If GW needs to increase the prices to keep the lights on or to keep their shareholders happy is irrelevant to be honest. In the end of the day it is about the quality of the product vs the price for us the customers. If you feel that the quality is so good that it justifies the prince, then I recommend you to ignore the negativity and keep on buying.

For me, I have felt that the quality of the product vs the prince have been balancing on a edge for the last years. Adding in some questionable business practices and now an increase in price it all tips over for me. It is not worth it for me to be blunt.

I can’t say anything about future releases. If the value of their products increases then that might justify the new prices.

As an example, if they increases the flexibility of their kits. Balancing their games better and maybe put all the rules in the box for each kit, box, Just as an example. Then it might be justified.

To be really honest, all releases, kits, rules, balance, design, story’s and concepts need to be shiny gems without equal for me to pay the prices GW is asking for now and after the next prince increase.

Instagram: fredrikpermoart

40K 2nd edition. Battle report. Orks vs Slaanesh.

Today my Orks went to battle, facing off against Slaanesh demons.



Mission for the demons was to earn VP for killing units.

Mission for the orks was to kill the enemy psyker. This unfortunate was the demon prince which also was the hardest model on the table.

First thing that happened, was that the orks released a Virus outbreak in the demons ranks. This was a stroke of genius…if it wasn’t for the fact that demons are immune to viruses 🤣 . So first of many fails from the orks.

Demons got first turn and proceeded to charge my hiding Kommandos. In retrospect I should not have put my Kommandos so close to the demons. Instead I could have used them as an anti-run bubble, slowing the demons down. But I wanted to try things out and see what happened.

The demons also unleashed a bombardment targeting the ork boys. To the Orks delight, the bombardment scattered into no-man’s land.

All other demons moved up, lining up charges for next turn.

The Kommandos was turned into small small pieces by the demonetts. And the demon Prince turned one poor Gretchin into a spawn.

The Orks answered by moving up the Gretchins, ork boys and the Big Boss. Everyone else stayed putt. Seeing how effective the demons were in hand to hand combat I felt the best way was to use my guns to bring the incursion under control.

High spirits and full of confidence the Orks pointed their guns in the general direction of the demons. All the Buggy’s and Death skulls Kustom-kombi weapons erupted…hitting nothing.

Last hope was given to the shokk attack gun. 2 snotlings bases was zapped through time and space getting direct hits on the center demonetts and demon prince.

All but one demonett and the demon prince survived the onslaught in the center.

The Death skulls managed to hit the fiends but rolling low on the strength means that nothing happened. Note to the ork boss, load the guns with actual bullets next time. Shooting hopes and dreams is nice but not that effective.

Turn 2.

The demons continue the push forward against the Orks lines. It is probably the confusion of being the hunted that is making the Orks fumble their first turn.

The demon prince hide on the left flank together with the demonetts on Steeds.

The Fiends charges the Death Skulls. And all other demons is moving up.

The close combat between the Fiends and the death skulls ended better for the Orks than what I had hoped. One ork falls to the demons. All other orks win their individual combats but without wounding the demons.

The demon prince turns a ork boy into a spawn and blows up one buggy with a doom bolt.

The Orks is in a very bad position. Fighting these demons in close combat is not optimal and the first turn shooting was not convincing.

The Orks needs to hit the demonetts on steeds hard so that the shokk attack gun can shoot the last shot trying to hurt the demon prince.

The buggy’s line up their guns and get into position.

Once more the buggy’s miss all targets and the shokk attack gun managed to kill one demonett.

In a desperate attempt to get some control the Big Boss order the Gretchins to charge the lone demonett in the middle of the board. The Gretchins proceed by breaking and fleeing for the hills.

So turn 3 and 4…

A lot of psychic stuff, a lot of charging from the demons and a whole lot of dying and running a way from the Orks 🤣 . I think that pretty much sums up the game.

Demons = 11 VP

Orks = 1 VP

One of the buggy’s blowing up in the demon princes face earning the Orks the 1 and only VP of the Orks mission thank that the demon prince lost 1 wound. So the Orks did more dead than alive in this game.

Here follows some pictures of Orks running away and demons killing green skins 😅🤣.

Despite this awful results from the Orks it was a great game. I had a lot of fun and We learned a lot.

Next time the Orks needs more buffs to their leadership. Breaking is devastating and nothing I can recommend 😅 . Shooting…well it was Orks so it is a little up and down…this game it was mostly down 🤣 .

But some more reliable gun platforms have to be included in the army. If the Buggy’s had connected things could have been much different.

More snotlings, much more! That shokk attack gun needs to fire every turn and a lot of it.

Death skulls and kustom-kombi weapon will most likely be included again even if they didn’t preform this game.

Skar boys…I don’t know to be honest. With better buffs to their leadership thing might have turned out different. But I am not sure they are the best choice in this matchup.

Lastly I want to thank Andreas for an awesome game and to be a great sport as always. Let’s do this again 😁 . I had a great time!

Unffsnaz and da scrapa boys. Warhammer 40K 2nd edition. 1000p Orks.

Tomorrow it is time to field my orks once again. I don’t think I have played with them since 1999 or something like that. This is going to be awesome 🤩!

This is the 1000p list I will be taking.

Big Boss

-power fist

-Bolt pistol

-Krak stikkbomb

-Cybork body


-shokkattack gun


-Bolt pistol

20 Gretchins 

3 Snotling bases

20 Skar boys

5 Death skulls

-3 kustom-kombi weapons

-2 Bolt guns

7 Blood axe kommandos 

-4 Power axes

-1 Flamer

4 Warbuggys

-4 Twin autocannons 

Unffsnaz is ready to face any foe he and the boys will come across. He have been waiting for many years and finally the time to do the krumping have come.

The Lies Of Locke Lamora

Right now I am in the middle of a house renovation. As I am working away on doorframes, walls and floors I listen to audio books.

Very often I tend to listen to 30k and 40K books from Black Library. Many times these are great books that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

But lately I have been exploring other authors and stories. And one of these stories starts with the book, The Lies Of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch.

I am currently reading (listening) to book 2 in the series.

I can really recommend these books. They have been a breath of fresh air for me and I can’t stop listening.

We are following Locke Lamora. The thief of Camore (don’t trust the spelling) the master con artist in a wonderful low fantasy setting. Well written, engaging, fun and exiting. The fantasy setting wraps the story and sett the stage without forcing the story or dictating it.

Michael Page who reads the audio book, simply adds to the characters and storytelling.

If you haven’t read the books and are in the mood for something great. And perhaps a little different from dragons, heroes and the usual magic and power fest. Then I can’t recommend this book enough!

Necromunda Ash Wastes

Now this has me very excited. This have the potential to be really great.

I love Mad Max, Fallout and Borderlands. And Ash Wastes sounds to me like something in the same spirit but wrapped in Necromunda clothes.

We know nothing about this yet and maybe I should hold back my excitement for the time they actually show off something.

Now I will say this, I hate these types of teasers and hype builds. I miss the days when something was announced and then released. I think it is boring to drag it out and I usually lose some of the initial excitement if it drags on for to long. But it is what it is.

I will also say that I will keep to what I previously have said. I will not preorder this. And I will not buy anything before I can verify that the price is worth the quality of the product. I am done being fold and I am tiered of being sold a broken product.

This is worth a lot of my money if it is done well. I will keep a close eye on this and I hope it lives up to my initial expectations 😁 .

Snotlings. Warhammer 40K 2nd edition. Part1.

Next weekend me and a friend will play warhammer 40K 2nd edition, that is if we both can keep away from the “plague”.

In the list I have my old and trusting shokk attack gun. In 2nd edition you are feeding it Snotlings. So I have a week to finish 3 bases of the little critters.

I decided to go with round 40mm bases instead of square ones. I have nothing against square ones, I just find round to look better when all other models are on round bases as well.

Be creative and explore!

The way I have designed Kuggköping it is meant to present different obstacles that can be tackled in different ways. The game should be viewed more as a jigsaw puzzle where you need to use the tools at your disposal to solve the upcoming challenges.

In the game you will try earning cards by preforming different tasks. These cards will then be used to pay for abilities that will be key in completing your game.

The different combinations of enemies, enemy faction, missions, cards available and deployment changes how you will approach the game. The ide is that every game you play will be different.

In the last game where 2 of my brave characters charged headfirst into a swarm of rats only to fall in battle, it was more about taking out key targets and completing the mission with brute force. Even if this failed in the end, it was the best approached that I could come up with.

In this game, with 1 less character on the board and facing a completely different enemy and mission, my approached must changes.

I don’t have the strength to challenge all enemies. So, I need a different plan.

In Kuggköping most things will be determined with how much recourses you have. Over commitment is something to watch out for. Even if your hand is looking pretty the cards needs to last all game. My last game is a perfect example of this. Where I over committed, and my explorers got hurt because of it.

In this game I will try to put up damage dealing smoke screens on one side of the board and then try to engage the big enemy on the left. Hopefully I can draw the attention of the enemies on the right side to go through the smoke, dealing damage to them in the process. This will most likely require all my recourses.

So, after that I need to be very carful and try to collect as many new recourses as possible that I can until I can finish the mission. I can’t finish this particular mission until turn 6, when I need to make a sacrifice in the well in the middle of the board. But the longer the game carries on the more aware the enemy’s will be of my presses and there is 2 hard hitting enemy’s hiding out of sight that most likely will come closer to me with murderous intentions.

This game will be more about avoiding the enemy’s, collecting recourses, and hitting key targets if I have the strength to do so. So very different from my last game. In the last game it was more a hack and slash kind of an approach and in this game, I need to be trixy.  

And that is all that I require of any skirmish game really. To solve problems with the tools on hand. The smoke screen was not designed to be used as a weapon. But in this game, the way everything has been unfolding it will become the weapon I need. And I love that. I love the fact that I can create something that can surprise me. And that I can use different things in different ways to different effects. Discovering combos hidden within the game that I didn’t consciously put in there.  

I know that I am running the risk of sounding like a self-righteous prick when I am celebrating my own creation. “Look at me and my awesome game that I created”, right? But that is not my intention or point of this post.

You can play this game yourself all for free with now downsides, other than it will require some of your time to learn and play, it will not cost you anything and worst case is that you simply won’t enjoy it.

Or better still I hope you feel inspired to create your own game. To create something, fall in love with it and feel liberated from the consummation trap you might be in, is awesome. Making something all by your self and see it work as intended is a great feeling, and I can’t encourage you more then to go and try creating something for yourself. Great things are not always made by others. Sometimes it is made by you. Anyone following this blog is most likely creative in some aspect or another.

So, start to create, make that game that you wished you could buy, be self-righteous when it turns out great and then tell me and the world all about it 😊. A game doesn’t need an extensive rulebook, it doesn’t need a gaming table, artwork, stories. It can be as simple as you like, or as advance as you wish.  That is truly the point of this post for anyone making it this far, an encouragement to be creative and to explore.

Kuggköping, new game size.

So I started setting up Kuggköping for a game on a 2x2 table. But straight away it feels to small. 

Even if I would restrict some of the ranges it still felt bad and I could not play through the first turn because of the bad feeling. 

I still wants to bring down the size so that the game becomes more accessible. I played around with 2x3 and that felt much better.

Then I thought of the killteam board I got in one of the killteam boxes. It is 22.5”x29.5” . So a little smaller than 2x3 in size. But it felt like a nice compromise. 

And I cant argue about the production quality of the game board it self. I think it looks good.

Now I have played 1 turn on this new size and so far everything runs smoothly. So I will try to finish the game session and see what my verdict is then.

Straightaway I did run into something interesting about why I think my game is fun and I will try to document it in a later post and explain it a little more in detail.