Turnip28. Toady. Part2.
What a busy week it have been. I haven’t had the time I wanted for my hobbies, but that is how things is sometimes. I have been working on my toadys a little despite the weeks schedule.
Getting close to finish them.
What a busy week it have been. I haven’t had the time I wanted for my hobbies, but that is how things is sometimes. I have been working on my toadys a little despite the weeks schedule.
Getting close to finish them.
Couldn’t help my self. Had to start with the banners for one of the toadys. Had first thought to wait until I had finished the two snobs.
I also came up with an army name for my army.
Karoigler. It is a little play on words. Combining Karoliner (Caroline) and iglar (Swedish for leeches). I thought it was a little clever even if it doesn’t sound as good in English.
The army is roughly based around the Swedish Army in the Napoleonic Wars, or a part of the army at least.
Still have some work to do on the banner. But I think it is shaping up as I want it to.
A new and small update.
Changed what happens if you lose a character in a campaign. As it was before, you character was lost and could not be replaced. On paper that seemed like a nice way to create some tension in the games. However, in practice this just feels annoying. So now when you lose a character the character is lost but you get to hire a new character to replace the old character that was lost.
I also added some extra spice to the explorer union rules.
Overall just some small additions and changes nothing big but the devil is in the details.
Easy to continue If you have the momentum 😄. Two Toadys on the way.
Happy days! The fooder unit is done 😃 .
Last update before they are finished. Really enjoyed painting these. Very different from what I usually paint 😊.
From now on I will update Kuggköping as it goes. Today I uploaded a new version of Kuggköping with some balancing updates and tweaks.
Almost ready for varnish and then some oils. Just adding some complementary tufts and then we can start with the fun part 😁.
Managed to get some more paint on these guys 🤩.
A new Kuggköping beta version is available to download! I got some feedback since the initial beta launch, and I also took the opportunity to add some more additions to the game.
What is new:
I have added some examples on how, ability dice work, how combat works and how enemy activations work among other things.
I have added a segment called “2 player games”. This gives a description how to play Kuggköping with 2 players, both cooperatively and player vs player.
On top of this I have been adding some more flavor to the game.
All and all I consider the game to be feature complete now. What remains is to optimize and tweak the rules, stories, and artwork. I have worked on this beta version every day for about a month. And even if this have been great fun, I now want to take some time to just enjoy it. The game is primely design after my own taste and I do enjoy the game play and are looking forward to just roll some dice and have some fun with it.
I hope you as well will give the game a go and that you will enjoy it. Feel free to send feedback if you have any. I will always respect and read any respectful criticism.
Next line of Turnip28 models. This time something more in line with the “classic” turnip28 esthetics.
All done 😃 . I think it looks great together. Now I have another unit of fooder on the table.
It is finally time to release the Kuggköping! Beta version 1. I am so exited to share this.!
It has been a month of hard work to get the game from what I called alpha to this beta stage.
The game now has a proper layout, more artwork, some small game changes, and a lot of playtesting poured into it.
I hope you will be downloading the game and I also hope you will enjoy it. If you do check it out, please tell me what you think. I will accept and respect any respectful criticism.
This game is very much a one man show. I have developed everything from story and art to gameplay and mechanics. I am not a game designer or a writer or a professional artist. I am simply a guy that decided to make my own game one day. With all of that said. If nothing else, I want to inspire to creativity. If I can create something that I can enjoy and be excited for. Then so can you. I am nothing special and I don’t need to be anything special to be able to create something that I can enjoy. All you need is some time and some imagination.
I am sure the game has many flaws, but you know what, over time it will be less flaws and also, not everything needs to be perfect.
We have a saying in Sweden. If it is free, then it always tastes good. So, enjoy and hope you like it.
I know this youtuber is known to be the saltiest guy around. But I think he has a point to most things he put out.
This clip however is more positive. And it makes me more excited about Horus Heresy in general. Only sad it wasn’t GW that gave me the good vibes.
But it just shows how important our community is for us and for GW.
So, I just wanted to share my opinion about the reveals before I read anything on facebook or the internet in general. So, this is my initial reactions.
Also, my reactions is from the perspective of a customer, so I am not an entitled gamer or a fan boy.
I will cover Necromunda ash waste and Horus Heresy.
So firstly necromunda. Cool models! Other than that, nothing more was really revealed. They, more or less, just confirmed what they talked about in the last reveal. So, vehicles, rules and a box. All is cool. However, I don’t feel that hyped anymore. Simply because it feels like this will be dragged out over weeks and months. There is nothing here to be super hyped about. Cool models without a douth but when? How? Same questions as the last reveal I am afraid.
Horus Heresy.
So, this is the thing, Nothing new was really revealed other than a new tank. For over a year leaks have been coming out about horus heresy 2.0. The only thing this reveal is giving us is confirmation. The community as a whole, still knows more about next edition of Horus Heresy than what games workshop have showed us now. So there isn’t really anything here to be hyped about? Or?
GW will release pictures of stuff every Thursday during April so that tells me that the release is a long way off. I should really be exited for it, but I don’t feel anything. Its is to far off to be exited and all that was released was more or less information that have been leaked months before.
There are however some concerns. Has the tone changed?
What makes Horus Heresy special is the story’s. The grim, bleak collapse of the imperium. The Greek tragedy on an epic scale. Death and destruction on a level unimagined. Demi gods walking the earth, brother killing brother. It is a sad story, tragic in many ways. The rules are there to emphasis this. To help tell the story. And the models should reflect both story and the setting. Now don’t get me wrong the trailer is really cool and have all those elements in it. Go check it out! (it is Fn epic!) But I still feel this revel is missing a story element that would make us hyped for where the story’s is heading. We know where it ends, sure. Why should we care? Why should we care for Horus Heresy 2.0? What is the point of a new edition if the core is the same? I mean we the fans know the leaks, we have an idea for what will be different. But GW is acting as if Horus Heresy 2.0 is news to everyone. It is not. What is your selling point here?
That’s my initial reactions. Ash waste looks cool. I am happy Horus Heresy isn’t dead. However, I am a little reserved for its continuations. Nothing in this reveal reassured me that Games Workshop understands its costumers or what the Horus Heresy is about. I hope I am wrong.
If games workshop was a car manufacturer, and I was a car enthusiast. Then I now know that 2 new cars are coming out, sometime between now and later. I mean this is what GWs business is based about, right? It’s a games/miniature company, why would we be surprised, chocked, thankful or impressed by GW when they release what the company claims is there core business?
And just to emphasis this once more. I am not an entitled gamer. The truth is simple. If new necromunda and new Horus Heresy isn’t up to the quality I expect I will simply not buy it. I will not call for a boycott or cry out my sadness on the internet. I will simply save my money.
And the reason for me writing this on my blog is simply because this blog is a hobby blog and I try to cover things that interested me. And necromunda and horus heresy fundamentally interest me.
On an interesting note, my initial reaction speaks loudly about how GW have been doing the past years. I mean, isn’t it strange that I am concerned about products from a company that originally created those products to begin with? I mean why is it that I don’t trust GW to know their own IP? Why is it that I am concerned about a company not being able to supply their customers with the products they are know for?
And you know, maybe that is it. There might not be anything wrong with todays reveals. It all might be greatness all over. It might be bad experiences from the past that colours this reveal for me. I hope it is my cynical mind that will not accept that GW is making what we all have been waiting for. Time will tell.
Until then. Go check out all reveals on GWs community page. If the news doesn’t impress maybe the artwork, trailers and models will, I can say that some of the designs shown today is really cool.
Some more work have been done. Slowly getting there. I am relatively pleased with the skin of the beast. Painting with oils at this stage is so easy.
Managed to add some oils to the big thing 😁 .
Final sketch done for the final bigger artwork for the beta rulebook. Getting closer to my deadline 😊.
Time to put some paint on the big one 😊 .
First unit done 😁 . I decided to let the base rims be as they were in the end. I figure that I can always go back once the rest of the army is done if I feel like it.
Looking forward to continue with the big Leech Lovers model now.