Malifaux. Bultungin

I have a bunch of different projects on my hobby desk, some of which have been completed. But I am still working on the lights and setup for my camera. I think I am getting there but I am still not super happy with the setup yet.

I guess it is a process like anything else :) .

Here is some new miniatures for my Neverborn. Made some conversions on these ones.

Kuggköping update, version 7b

So, a relatively small update for the game but an important one that might change aspects of how the game is played. I changed the ability dice and how in-game levelling works a little and added some fine tuning.

As things stand at the moment, I feel that the game is feature complete! My aim is to finish the game during 2023. To make your own game is great fun but I feel that you have to put down a deadline at some point or it will continue forever. The game is not finished and need a proper proofread.

My goal for this game has been two-fold. One, create a game that I enjoy. Two, make it into something physical like a book or booklet. I feel that the first goal has been reached and now it is time to work to complete the second one.   

Warhammer 40K. 2nd edition Iron Warriors. Part2.

Finished the first unit of chaos space marines 😁 . It is quite wonderful to be working with these older models.

I have also been experimenting with light and camera settings…which basically means that I have messed up my previous setup 😅. Can’t say that I have found a better setup or that I am satisfied with the results so far. But I will keep on experimenting 😊.

Castle terrain

I guess I am a little everywhere when it comes to my hobbies at the moment. Jumping from one end to the next.

Parallel to some second edition iron warriors, I am making some new terrain pieces.

First things that have been finished is some big towers and some headstone scatter terrain.

The towers is made from an old toy castle. Process is quite easy.

Glue the towers to thin MDF boards.

Spray all black.

Zenital spray dark grey from the top. Making sure it is darker at the bottom.

Wash all with oil wash and removing some of the wash with paper cloth.

Once all is dried, add basing material. In this case the basing material is a mix of, gravel, basing grass and leaves (birch seeds).

Considering how quick and easy this process went I think it looks great 😊.

The headstones is from greenstuff world. And is painted in the same process.

Mechanicum. Reforged.

So, I was supposed to be working on my Seekers but I got sidetracked a little.

A couple of weekends ago I played my first game with the new Mechanicum book. I will not address the state of the book. But despite it’s flaws the army was quite fun to play.

The way the robot army is controlled and the fact it no longer feels like a overpowered force was very inspiring.

You need to work for your victory. The army still feels strong and have a good chance at winning if played correctly.

So with this I felt inspired to brush up my robots from mars a little. I haven’t really settled for a color scheme before but feel like I have locked it in now. Only took me 6-7 years to decide 🤣 .

Horus Heresy. Iron Warriors. Seeker Squads. Part3.

Painting 20 marines slows the speed down some, but I always feel that dividing them into fives helps. It at least helps mentally 🤣 .

The black areas have now been painted and hazard stripes is added. And that marks the most “complicated” part of this paint job.

I decided to do the hazard stripes on the guns. This is the old school way of doing it….at least that was the way it was done back in the 90s . Plus doing hazard stripes on the shoulder pads is really time consuming. I have done the hazard stripes on the shoulders on most of my army. Now I fell for a change and a simpler path 😅.

Horus Heresy. Iron Warriors. Seeker Squads. Part2.

Picking up where I left off my seekers.

After black primer and Leadbelcher zenith spray. I sponge brighter silver on the top surfaces on the armor. This to give more of a surface highlight and to introduce some textures.

After this I use a contrast paint called skeletonhord on all trim and areas I want to make gold.

This is pretty much the same process I used when painting my Kratos tank. So the process is both quick and simple.

Horus Heresy. Iron Warriors. Seeker Squads. Part1.

So, a small update. After four weeks of vacation it is now coming to an end.

I have been doing a little of everything around the house and on my Horus Heresy legions. Mange to get a couple of games in, in the new edition as well.

The latest addition on my hobby desk is 20 seekers for my iron Warriors.

Primed black and base coated in Leadbelcher. They are now ready for the painting desk.