Turnip28. Toadies. Part1.
I decided that my leech lovers needed a following. It is a wedding after all.
I decided that my leech lovers needed a following. It is a wedding after all.
And the cute couple is done 😁. Now time for som priests or similar.
Next little step on my Leech Lover.
Some progress on the Leech Lovers. Blocking in some colors and adding some oils. Now we have to wait for it all to dry before we can continue :)
It is more than a year ago since I discovered Turnip28.
Today we had over first game. I absolutely love it.
It was long since I played a new game that I can’t wait until I get to play again.
We played 2 games over the course of 5 hours with a 1 hour break for lunch. These games included reading the rules for the first time (more or less).
I think that this is part of the appeal (besides the wonderful narrative) and the fact that the game feels deep enough to be challenging for both players once both know what to do.
I got so inspired that I began a new model to represent my Leech Lovers.
I can highly recommend this game for anyone who is looking for a lighthearted wired and wonderful game with a lot of tactical potential.
I am slowly building a unit of old school bloodletters. The aim is to build a full daemon army made up of old wonderful metal miniatures and maybe some forgeworld additions.
Here is the first 10 miniatures. I have about 20 more of these.
I have to come up with a nice base theme for them.
It is finally time for me to share the next update for Kuggköping.
Over the past months I have been hard at work trying to move the game from a Beta state to an official version. Even if the game is still in beta, it is not far from being completed.
A lot have happened with the game over the past months. Last time I wrote about the game I said that no more major changes would come to the game. This turned out to be a mistake. Shortly after I wrote that blog post I got an ide that forced me to re-write the whole game from the ground up. This was a lot of work but in the end I think it was all worth it. The game is in a much better state now and I am excited that I have been able to take it this far. To be clear the game is in principle the same game as before. You still create a warband and you still go on adventures in Kuggköping.
Last stages of the game will take a bit more time. But I feel that the time for a test print of the game is fast approaching.
I have had 3 goals in mind when I set out on this journey.
1. Create a world that I feel is alive and unique.
2. Create a solo game within this world that I find exiting and fun.
3. Take the game to the highest production quality I can and print out my own physical copy.
We could say that I am half way their even if the last 50% will probably go much faster than the first 50%.
I still have my eyes set on reaching my final goal before my summer vacation, This is of course not set in stone but I have found that I work better with a deadline.
I hope you will take a look at the game and hopefully you will enjoy it as much as I do.
A couple of weeks ago I got my hands on the new Argel Tal model. Ones you start painting this model you can’t stop. Very fun model to paint.
I have a bunch of different projects on my hobby desk, some of which have been completed. But I am still working on the lights and setup for my camera. I think I am getting there but I am still not super happy with the setup yet.
I guess it is a process like anything else :) .
Here is some new miniatures for my Neverborn. Made some conversions on these ones.
So, a relatively small update for the game but an important one that might change aspects of how the game is played. I changed the ability dice and how in-game levelling works a little and added some fine tuning.
As things stand at the moment, I feel that the game is feature complete! My aim is to finish the game during 2023. To make your own game is great fun but I feel that you have to put down a deadline at some point or it will continue forever. The game is not finished and need a proper proofread.
My goal for this game has been two-fold. One, create a game that I enjoy. Two, make it into something physical like a book or booklet. I feel that the first goal has been reached and now it is time to work to complete the second one.
First and foremost, I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas. Despite yet another year of sad news we all carry on. Last year, around this time I was happy that the pandemic was losing its grip on the world. Just a couple of months later Russia invaded Ukraine. It can all change in a heartbeat and if you, like me are blessed with somewhat of stability in your life, be thankful and enjoy it. My thoughts go out to those who isn’t so lucky. I truly hope that the world will calm down, Russia goes back home, and we all start to talk to each other instead. War should only be a thing we exercise on the tabletop, with small toy models and dice. To send thousands of people to their deaths and annihilate families and homes for nothing more than ambition and pride should be a thing of the past. But I believe we will all be stronger in the end, and we how will be left have to carry the rest of the world and when that time comes, we must make it better. I am sure things will become better, but it might get worse before then. So, enjoy this holiday if you can. Be thankful for whatever peace you have and let’s hope that next year becomes a great year for all.
Secondly, Kuggköping have a new update and this update is the biggest one for the game since its Beta release.
I have during the past months made a lot of changes to the game. In spirit and principal, the game remains the same, but it is very different from what it was a couple of months ago.
It is still a solo-skirmish game set in the endless city of Kuggköping. But the game has gone through some big reforms and changes. It is now compressed, organized, and polished in a way it never was before. To list all changes would take much to long so I encourage anyone interested to download the game and take a look.
I am really proud of what the game is right now. It has taken a lot of work to get to this point. As always
Slow progress on the hobby side but progress nonetheless. A little dark pictures but hopefully okay.
Very fun to put paint on these old models!
Another old school model for the 4th legion. Always wanted one when I was a kid and now finally I have it in my collection. Great things come to those who wait 😅.
A new update for Kuggköping is here!
This time I have made some big changes to the campaign. Both how it is run and a lot around the setup. Previously the campaign was very random without a clear end gaol in sight. With this update the campaign have a more linear setup with a sprinkle of random to it. I also addressed some other aspects to the game as how levelling up and enemy’s work.
Give it a try and tell me what you think 😊 .
Finished the first unit of chaos space marines 😁 . It is quite wonderful to be working with these older models.
I have also been experimenting with light and camera settings…which basically means that I have messed up my previous setup 😅. Can’t say that I have found a better setup or that I am satisfied with the results so far. But I will keep on experimenting 😊.
I guess I am a little everywhere when it comes to my hobbies at the moment. Jumping from one end to the next.
Parallel to some second edition iron warriors, I am making some new terrain pieces.
First things that have been finished is some big towers and some headstone scatter terrain.
The towers is made from an old toy castle. Process is quite easy.
Glue the towers to thin MDF boards.
Spray all black.
Zenital spray dark grey from the top. Making sure it is darker at the bottom.
Wash all with oil wash and removing some of the wash with paper cloth.
Once all is dried, add basing material. In this case the basing material is a mix of, gravel, basing grass and leaves (birch seeds).
Considering how quick and easy this process went I think it looks great 😊.
The headstones is from greenstuff world. And is painted in the same process.
I picked up a handful of old 2nd edition chaos space marines. Of course these great models deserve to be part of the mighty 4th legion :) .
Really enjoy painting them, so much character on each and everyone.
Time for a smaller Kuggköping update!
This update has a couple of small tweaks for the core game. Among other things, the explorer unions have been balanced a little bit better.
Hope you enjoy it!
Here they are. This took longer than expected to finish. I have had a lot to do at work so my forth legion have not been getting the attention I wanted to give them.
Next little update on my Seekers. Now the twenty marines have got som oil wash, oil weathering and some silver highlights.
Next up will be weathering on feet and calf’s. Then some targeting lights :) .