Iron Warriors. Reinforcements. Part 3.

A Toast to the Guns
By them we live,
For them we would die.
Whatever the Mission,
We’ll give it a try.

We’ll serve them with Honor
For they are the ones;
That make us Artillerymen,
So here’s to the Guns:


There we go, two artillery tanks done and ready for the battlefield. As I mentioned in my previous post, I have used a lot of oils for this particular project not just to wash the models but also painting. It is a very enjoyable process and incredibly easy. The only downside is that it takes some extra time to dry. But it is also the drying time that is the big advantage. You can change, add, remove and add to your paint scheme without worrying about if what you are doing will work or not. There is plenty of time to explore and experiment before you settle for a final result.

If you haven’t tried it I highly recommend you do. I am sure I will use it more often from now on.