Grots and Gretchins. Part3.
Some more work done on the Gretchins and Grots :) .
Some more work done on the Gretchins and Grots :) .
So here it is, the messy hobby desk for all to see.
In my last post I talked a little about those unused 10 minutes of a day, those pockets of time we all have but don’t use.
When I studied for the occupation I work with today I followed 2 primary concepts.
Be a good friend and help classmates if asked and work a little harder than everyone else.
The last part was simply achieved by staying 30 minutes longer in school than everyone els.
I very early realized that I was nothing special. What I mean by that is that I was not smarter than anyone else or was borne with some extraordinary talent.
All my classmates, my good friends and colleagues could also be considered to be my competition. When we all graduated we where all going to apply for the same jobs, looking for the same opportunities. So how could I make sure that I was one of them that got a job in the end? Specifically if I wasn’t anything special in terms of talent or smarts?
I simply had to have more experience, more experience equals more knowledge. So I stayed in school 30 minutes longer than everyone else.
30 minutes longer every day translates to 10 extra hours every month or 15 extra days in a year. I basically got 1 month extra education.
Now I often stayed longer each day but that’s beside the point.
So, fast forward to my current life. I have a full time job, a house a wonderful family a bunch of dogs, tons of obligations, need to do’s and have to do’s. And on top of this I have my hobbies.
The time when I could do whatever I want whenever I want is over for a time.
But I still find time to do hobbies, between job, family, renovations and stuff. And I mainly try to use the unused pockets of time we all have.
All adds up in the end, 10 minutes a day, equal 70 minutes a week. More then an hour of hobby each week will take you a long way (if it is effective time). With all that said, I mostly have time for more than 10 minutes a day.
So, back to my messy hobby desk. In order get most of my hobbie time I managed to find during the weeks everything needs to be ready for me when an opportunity for hobbies arises.
This means that I don’t have time to set things up each painting session and it also mean that putting things away when am done is sometimes (or most times) not an option.
I do a little art, a little warhammer and a little gaming each day and I have made my setup so that I can just go and create as soon as I get free time, no start up time, just sit down and go.
I am lucky enough to have a big home with a lot of space where I can dedicate an entire room for creativity and fun.
This room is opened for all in my family (that explains the chaotic mess the room is in at the moment). Me and my oldest daugther mostly sit together painting and creating and this is some of the best experiences I have ever had . It is also pretty great to be able to shut the door and keep all the sharp knives, paints and scissors from the youngest toddler.
But it haven’t always been like this. I did not always have this big house or this big room.
My very first job as a graduate was as a traveling consultant. That meant I was pretty much living in a suitcase during the weeks.
But despite that I still managed to do my hobbies.
This case is my “little friend” (#scarface) and it have traveled with me many times over the years. And I still use this case from time to time, even in my big home, despite my dedicated hobby space.
Having it with me upstairs keeping my kids’ company while they fall a sleep is a great time to get some hobby time in. And being able to put everything away easily from curious fingers is a must when the children are small.
The great part about this case is that everything is ready to go. I open it, put the jarl of water on the table, place the hobby matt and start painting. Once hobbies time is over it is equally easy to put back and pack up. It is a great solution if you can’t have a dedicated hobbies space or is always on the move.
My point is that most of us can do hobbies if we want to. Regardless of most life situations, there is always a way to optimize and plan your time so that those small pockets of time can be used as effective as possible. And all those small pockets of time adds up in the end.
Now just to be clear, I waste a lot of time also, I spend too many life hours of my phone each year (before bed, after bed so on and so forth). I don’t want to come across as one of those “success coaches” that screams that you have to grind harder to be a more effective machine. I am quite opposite to that. I believe that you must find a flow to things in order to stay health. Forcing your way through life will most likely burn you out.
All I am saying is that we all have unused time and 10 minutes is better than 0. And in fact, 10 minutes is a lot of time if it is used well.
I many times come across posts about people that is waiting for their first child or that they needed to move to a smaller apartment. Trying to sell whatever armies because they think they won’t have time to spend on the hobbies. I hope this post reaches some of you and that it inspires you to keep the things in your life that makes you happy.
Having kids is a wonderful thing, yes you will have limited time to spend on your toy soldiers, but it is not the end. Especially if you have pockets of time that you still haven’t unlocked. All you must do is to adapt and find the best way forward. Forcing yourself to stop with interests and passions is only going to give you grief and regrets.
Hope this gives some inspiration to someone in need of it, and if not, you must admit, it is a pretty cool hobby case 😉 .
10 minutes of work don’t sound as much and to be honest it isn’t much in the grand scheme of things. But 10 minutes is more than nothing.
You have to try to find those pockets of time. It all adds up in the end. Small steps each day can go a long way.
Let’s continue with some more orkoids. The goal is to paint up at least 20 of these guys.
Each batch will have its own unique color scheme. I love an ork army that really feels like an ork army. There should be some consistency in the color scheme but not like a space marine army.
This is also what makes orks fun to paint. Do whatever you like and somehow it will fit in the overall army :) .
So here we are. The commission painting is finished. I am happy with the end result.
It was some time since I did a digital painting, it was fun! Might do it again sooniz :) .
The five Grots is done! Now I have 10 to put on the table. Not much, but it is something :) .
Another six is patiently waiting on the painting table :) .
I want to take the opportunity to promote this YouTube channel that primarily is focusing on warhammer 40K 2nd edition.
Very good and well presented content. Lovely to see that our beloved games from old never dies and are supported by our great community.
I am looking forward for more content from this channel and I am looking forward to play my first game of 2nd edition again after so many years.
The past week I have been working on a commission painting for a friend. He wants a cool painting for his wall inspired from the style of 40K artworks but with a “little” more grounded subject matter . The painting isn’t finished but I feel it is on its way and i wanted to show some progress. Right now, I am working on details. The banner will have a icon on it but i have left it out for now.
He wanted the painting quite big, so we decided that a digital format was best for the painting. Here are some progression images of the painting as it has evolved.
Not everything is Warhammer, but painting this, miniatures or watercolour paintings, a lot of the thought process and fundamentals is the same. Now, I am not a professional artist. I paint for fun. But it is nice to see that over time even I can evolve my skills 😊
A small update on the rules for kuggköping and adding in updated reference cards!
Just the bases left to do. Soon I have 10 little guys add to the force :D .
A small rules update on the game. Just some rules clarifications. However, the printable reference cards are not updated. This is something to keep in mind if you print out the game and want to use them. They are 95% correct but might miss some of the new update. I will update these cards later this week.
Continuing with more small and green fellas. I plan for these to go a little quicker but we will see.
The five Gretchins is done. First project of 2022 is finished :) . Or maybe it doesn’t count if it was started in 2021…?
But these have to count, the next five Gretchins is started :) .
I very intentionally have some different versions of Gretchins for my next five…or Grots as The new codexes is calling them. I like the diversity it brings.
Hope everyone had a great start on the new year!
Happy New Year to everyone!
I hope 2021 will go peacefully into the night and that 2022 eases its way forward.
For the new year I wish for ordinary times, no extraordinary world situations, no drama. Simply a peaceful year filled with happiness and joy, for all!
I hope for great new games, awesome model releases and many game days with friends and loved ones.
For a good end of 2021 and a great start for 2022!
Another small update. Been adding stuff to the bases.
I have to paint the base rims as well.
But 5 Gretchins won’t be of much use. There for 5 more is on the painting table, ready to join there buddy’s.
Nothing much, just a small update on the Gretchins.
Some more work on the Gretchins.
Surface highlights and edge highlights on the clothing and the blue gun.
I first thought I was going to add some oil paint to the color scheme. And might do that later on. But for now I am sticking to the acrylic paints.
Going to do the same process for all other colors, hats, shoes and metals before I start to clean up some of the surfaces and edges.
Today I took my small warband out to the city for some adventure.
After deployment, placing gizmos and enemies, I rolled for the mission. I rolled mission 9, Another day in the city. Which replaces the main mission for 2 side quests instead.
My warband found them selfs in the middle of a Bandit camp, the bandits is also accompanied with a big robot. This is not the best situation. All bandits have shooting weapons, so you don’t want to be caught in the open.
My explorers gets a great start. They get an amazing starting hand and the enemies don’t seem very alert.
So, with this momentum. The duelist through him self against an lurking enemy on the side. The weapon smith, puts a lead bullet in the chest of the closest bandit. And the mage support the warband.
All engaged targets gets taken care of.
Next turn the mage use his power to get close to and claim the first side quest. Side quest 2 was randomly rolled. There is screaming coming from one of the buildings in the city. Very luckily the random house that needs to be searched is right behind the mage.
This is a little risky move. Right before the mage stands a big enemy. But the cards keeps coming, so he is relatively safe from harm.
The Duelist flanks around the building, to keep out of line of sight to the gun slinging bandits. On the other side is the other side quest marker.
The weapon smith hold his position and lines up a shoot against a small enemy poking out his head from cover in front of his sights.
Up to this point, everything is going great. Good cards is collected and the enemies falls left and right. But on this turn the enemies is a little more aware of the threat and starts to react to the situations. The warband is also burning through their cards rather quickly.
They get a lot done, but they are soon in a position where they have used up most of the momentum.
After weathering the enemies attacks the Mage goes to investigate the screaming house.
He suddenly becomes swallowed and spit out by the house and is sent out in the open in the middle of the board. This is a very bad position to be in, now when most enemies is more aggressive.
The weapon smith moves up to cover and takes a snapshot against one of the bandits in front of him.
The shoot hits home.
The duelist stay behind cover preparing to jump out and engaging the robot.
The enemies responds by open fire at the Mage. The Mage that now is covered in slime survive but takes a wound.
What is worse is that the warband have burned through most of their good cards to stay alive. They might have one more good turn left before the cards is gone. It is not great but the second side quest is just around the corner if the duelist can strike the robot down the quest can be claimed.
The duelist jumped out and jams his blade in the center of the robots bulk. And the robot falls lifeless to the ground.
As the weapon smith claims the side quest the closest enemy bandit attack the duelist.
The duelist are able to block the attack and strikes back and cuts the enemy down.
The Big enemy have up to this moment been quiet on its side of the board. But is now sensing the Mage. The Mage takes one more gun shoot wound. He desperately hides behind the closest building as the big enemy approaches.
As the big enemy takes aim once more, the second side quest is revealed.
A rats nest is in front of the explorers with rats pouring out of the nest.
This and the fact that the warband is out of cards mean that there is a difficult situation that faces the three explorers.
Despite the great progress so far. The situation is very dangerous for the warband. With no cards in hand they need to continue with caution.
As the Mage hide, The weapon smith and the duelist through them head first toward the rats nest. They will make a final push. If the nest falls the mission is over and the warband wins.
The duelist stumbles into combat and fail to hurt the rat. The weapon smith takes the shot and almost brings the nest down. The nest have 1 wound left.
But disaster strikes! The rats overrun the two explorers and all the Mage can do is to watch in horror as his friends falls victim to the small pests biting the life out of them.
All what’s left to do, is to run out of the city. Wounded and with no power to cast spells with, there is not much the Mage can do.
The game ends and is time to see what rewards can be claimed.
At the end of the game it turned out that the weapon smith survive. But he will not take part in the next game. He needs to heal.
But the duelist “Frans Fäkt” is no more. Another soul have been lost in the city :( .
On top of this, losing a character in the city is very bad and despite doing a lot the end amount of XP is only 3.
The warband manage to get away with 2 Gizmos and those rewards is claimed.
But on the upside there is a new eager explorer to take the place of the one we just lost. Luna will head out with Emil the Mage in the next game.
That wraps up my write up of this game of Kuggköping.
If you are curious about the game, I suggest to download it and giving it a go.
For me this have been a great day. I have played it on and off between doing housework and playing with my kids, finishing it now on the evening. It went really great early in the game, but I got a little to eager to win in the end, and that did cost me all progress and a character :( .
Better luck next time :D .
All the little green men…fungi? (Always hated the mushroom grow to ork lore). Is now all blocked in.
I also added some surface and edge highlights on the red cloths.
Up front it looks a little messy and thick, but from a little distance it looks rather fine. I am okay with how it is going to turn out.
So old school models is great and all. But this is something I would never have predicted.
Just to be clear, this is not meant to be a rant. It is great that GW is doing these sales runs if you want to get the old sculpts. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to buy it.
If anyone at GW read this.
You have a platform in warhammer+ . Release all rules for older edition and make a special pre-order parallel to the digital release.
You have 30+ years of content you could have on warhammer+ .
I mean if I where you, I would upload 2ed in a heartbeat. Then I would pay close attention to downloads and how the community reacts. If the old game picks up an audience, I would release more content for it, maybe some updates and som re-releases. Maybe even some new content down the line.
You can easily make articles about “Steve” and “Laura”. That have just downloaded the old edition and is making new 2ed army’s from modern model kits.
But I don’t work in the games industry, I might know nothing about sales. I might be in over my head.
However, pease don’t let my thoughts distract anyone from investing in this offer. I mean if you like what’s on sale, don’t let me stop you. If you value it and have the money then you should buy :) .
If you want to buy these models, you can get them from here:
Available between 10am Local Time on the 25th of December 2021 and 6pm GMT on the 3rd of January 2022.