Adeptus titanicus. Pallidus mor. Part1.

So it begins. Everything is base coated and magnetized. 

After a long time thinking of what Legio I wanted to do, I have settled for Pallidus mor.

 I like their background and the color scheme. 

 The plan here is to make something that I can use in some different ways. One warlord will be predominantly black and one white. The six knights will be three red and three blue. I want to make it so, that I can play all the models as part of the same force but also different enough so that I can split the army in half and run introduction games. I think this will be the best way to go for now. 

Once everything is painted I will start planning on how to expand the army.

 I am so excited for this! This will be awesome! 



Blackstone Fortress. Part2

First of all. Wow. The Blackstone Fortress is a wonderful full box filled with goodies. I would honestly say that only the models would be worth the price of the box.

 I love most of the sculpts. A few could have been given some alternative poses. But you know what, that’s being pick. 

All the models is snapp fit and they do fit together perfectly. And with the amount of details, it is an absolute delight to see them all put together. 

This took a long time, there was so many models in this box. My plan for finishing this box until Christmas seems to be way too unrealistic. Specially with a Horus Heresy event coming up early 2019. 

So I will pause the work on this box right now. I need to focus on get my world eaters ready for the event. And I will try to put some time in on Adeptus Titanicus as well before the new year. 

 But here is all the models from Blackstone Fortress, assembled and ready for painting. 



Horus Heresy. World Eaters Spartan assault tank. Part1.

After coincidering this for quite some time. After asking forums, making experimental lists and thinking about it. I have decided to repaint my Iron Warriors spartan and give it to my world eaters.

Now, this have not been an easy decision. I love this model. And I love seeing it on the tabletop besides Perturabos sons. But in all honesty I never add it to any Iron Warriors lists. And most of the time it just sits in the display case.

So I am adding it to the army that will be able to use it better and absolutely more often.

This is still a work in progress but I believe  it will look great once it’s done. 


My own skirmish game. Kuggköping. Twiddle root gang.

For about a year now, me, my spouse and a friend is working on a skirmish game. 

It is a very free and opened game, set in the city of Kuggköping. The “development” of the game is on its third revision and there is still a lot more to be done. But once it’s ready to be shared I will try to spread it here alongside other platforms.

 I don’t feel to share to much about the actual game right now due to the fact that the game can change dramatically between now and its “release”. But I can however talk a little about why.  

Why would you put yourself through the long and hard process of creating your own game? Being a big consumer of miniature games you come across a vast multitude of rules. I would say that every ruleset I have come across have all had some very good parts and of course some bad ones as well.

We started to talk about how cool wouldn’t it be if this set of rules had rules just like that other game. Or why didn’t they added this feature to this game.  

Wish listing and hopping that the next edition would add something like that. For different reasons whatever company never did add those features or changed the rules like we had hoped. 

So why not do it our self? Add all the stuff we like, come up with our own way of doing things and wrap it all in a setting of our own choice. 

And that is what we started to do. Main focus is to create something that we enjoy. If we know what we like and have the total freedom to create whatever we want, then we would be able to create something that we would think is great. Our own “go to game” .

That was the theory. The process of creating something that you like is however much harder. For one we discovered that we only had a basic understanding of what we actually like. And then it is not just up to us. You need some one to play with. The reality of life and all is complexity finds its way into what on the surface seems like a simple concept. 

 But the game will happen and it will be done.  Small steps forward is still steps forward.

So let me introduce one of my war bands for Kuggköping. Twiddle root and his gang of trolls, oh and Oscar.  



In front: Twiddle root and Trigger. 


In front: Trigger, Squeeze and Sniff  


In front: Sproute and Oscar. 


Horus Heresy. World Eaters. Stormlord.

I added a little something to my murder hord.

 The Stormlord! Since I found out about this tanks existence I have wanted it. 

It took a couple of years for me to find the “right” application for it. Now I am well aware about the dangers of putting loads of guys on this thing and driving it forward the enemy. The implications when this thing blows up is devastating. But it looks to cool to not use. And the dangers adds to the excitement.

 However I do think that the tank can be put to good use. Just don’t fill it up with everything you got. Try to find cover when ever you can. And get up in the face as quick as possible.

For any Horus Heresy veterans out there you have probably already seen that this tank have loads of Aquila’s on it. And most people don’t like that. I however view it in a different way. First of all, this is a war hounds stormlord. The Aquila’s is left from loyalist times. Don’t mess with stuff that can upset the machine spirit.

Second, I have a hard time imagining world eaters really carrying about it. If they would have any opinions about it I am sure they would see it as an insult to loyalist scums ;) . 



Killteam. Exorcists. Part1.

Even if I only have played killteam three times I am quite hooked on the game. I like the fact that it is quick to play but still gives you a dose of grime dark. 

It is also a wonderful platform to create custom Killteams and explore color schemes and army’s you normally would not experience.  

This is one of these projects. I like the lore and background for the space marine chapter, the exorcists but I would never create a full on army. 

killteam allow me to get a taste :) . 

Still very much work in progress. I will run them with grey knights rules. I think that works well for this chapter. 


Horus Heresy. Word Bearers. Warhammer 40k art.

I made some sort of a tribute to the magnificent word bearers legion. Just for fun 🙂 . I had so much fun making the previous picture that I decided to make another one. It felt really nice taking out my miniatures for a custom photo shoot. Might do another one, I really enjoyed this.

The picture is a composition between real life miniatures that I painted, photos I took and added my own painting and drawings on top. All made in photoshop. And composed by me.


Here is the original photo. 


Horus Heresy event. Battle of Hive City.

The next installment of the events at the “AJAX system” will take place 4-6 Jan 2019 in Växjö, Sweden.

I hope many will and can attend this event.

For more information search after: Battle of Hive City - An Ajax Campaign event, on Facebook. 

Or visit our website: . 


Similar to last event I was honored to make the front art for the event. And for fun I thought I could share the full picture and the “original” photo it was based on.

Basicly I set up my gaming table, added some of my models, snapped some photos and photoshopped the rest. Super fun little project and such a privilege to get to do this for the event.


Mechanicum army. Legio Cybernetica.

Here we have to whole family. As the proud father that I am, I look forward to the future and all the great adventures we will have.

The army might not look so impressive and it might be hard to understand why it have taken as long as five years to collect and build it. But as this have been a hobby within the hobby project it has been something I have invested time and money in the few occasions I have had this to spare.

I feel very happy and I am looking forward to playing it.


Mechanicum. Thallax. Part2.

After five years of collecting, parallel to my other armies, I have finally completed the force I set out to build.

This feels great! I now have 3000-3500p of Mechanicum fully painted.

But like most things in this hobby enough is never enough. And I am all ready thinking about how I want to expand the army.

I will however enjoy this feeling for little longer, Saver the grand taste of competition and bask in the glory. 

I also want to put my army on the table and roll some dice. 

Family portrait is coming soon. 



Horus Heresy. Mechanicum. Thanatar Conversion. Part4. Done!

So, here we are. As always you can always do more, add more details, push a little further. You can of course also do to much. But I feel pretty happy about it right now. 

The final steps is nothing to crazy. Add some highlights with a very light silver color. Paint the “glow” effect in the plasma mortar. Weather and add basing.  

I feel that you can come a long way with just regular spray cans, ordinary paint, washes and simple brushes :) .


Horus Heresy. Mechanicum. Thanatar Conversion. Part3.

Next part in the painting process. The first step was to push back some of the rust. I thought it was a little too much in some places. It is real easy, basically dry brush the area you want to push back. In this case it used metal/silver.

A tip is to never do all your work in one day unless you have done the same process multiple times. Stepping away for a while and come back often reveal stuff you initially liked but now want to modify. 




After this it was time for some actual painting. I have seen some photos of old rusty and abandoned tractors in blue Lately and kind of like the contrast between the corrosion and the blue colors. So blue it is.

 I also what the colors to look weathered, shipped and old. 

To achieve something like that I painted the colors in blocks. More or less just dabbing the color on to the surface. 

First a light blue and after that a darker blue.  


After painting all areas I wanted blue I washed the blue areas in agrax earthshade. 


The last thing I managed to do in this step, was to paint some of the censors and added some nihilakh oxide to some of the copper parts and pushing the oxide back with a thin layer nuln oil. 


That’s it for now :) .