I am sorry but I feel a little upset. I don’t want this blog to be a place of negativity or rants. But at the same time I want this blog to reflect my activity’s and thought about the hobby. Lately I have been busy renovating parts of my house, this leaves very little time for me to do hobby in general.
But of course I still keep up with the latest news and activities around the community.
Lately I have been upset and this is me getting that off my chest.
It’s like this. If you feel that a company is treating you and your fellow customers poorly, not living up to expected quality compared to the paid price, stop supporting newly released products and undermining the value of that product, hyping up new releases and under delivering… and you still buy the products from this company…then you are the problem.
I am so very tired of reading and hearing of everyone’s hate toward specific company practices and later the same week also seeing the same individuals placing preorders to those company’s.
I am not making any excuses for bad business practices or poor quality. I think any company that neglect their customers and fan base deserves to be neglected them selfs.
I don’t necessarily which bad fortune for these companies but as a customer I won’t pay for products or behaviors I feel is destructive for the community or that is not worth the claimed value.
Just as an example I am not buying anything from Games Workshop at the moment. I am feed up with their releases, prices, poor community communications and bad game quality.
Just to be clear I am not calling for a boycott. I am simply saying this:
If you don’t like the quality of a product or feel that the price don’t reflect the expectations of that product or don’t want to support specific business practices, then don’t give that company money. That is all. If you do anything else, then you are supporting the very thing you don’t like.
Now, I could go into details about what I don’t like about 9th edition, why I think seasons is really bad for customers and products in any type of game. How dumb I think it is to simply stop supporting parts of a paying customer segment. Or anything else that bothers me. But I will stop it right here.
Stop support things you don’t like. Get out of destructive relationships and act if you want change. Stop being a victim and start being responsible.